Each year witnesses thousands who die in truck accidents. The ones who manage to live following these accidents develop serious injuries that often result in permanent disability.
According to medical experts, the accidents that involve commercial trucks cause more severe injuries compared to the ones that involve passenger vehicles. That’s because the commercial trucks are much bigger and heavier than all passenger vehicles we know.
If you want to recover healthy compensation for your injuries and other damages, you should hire an experienced Eugene truck accident attorney. The section below talks about the five most common injuries resulting from truck accidents.
Back Injuries
Our back is one of the most complex parts of our body. It features a spinal column that includes several nerves, muscles, and bones. The ability to bend, sit, and stand depends on this spinal column. Other than that, the spinal column also plays a crucial role in sending messages from our brain to all other body parts.
A back injury (irrespective of which part of the back you have injured) can result in serious consequences. A severe back injury can even leave the victim permanently disabled. The most common back injury types resulting from trucking accidents are:
- Strains and sprains
- Spinal cord injuries
- Herniated disc
- Fractured vertebrae
- Pinched nerve
Neck Injuries
The neck is as important for our regular functioning as the back. It also has a complex structure featuring muscles, ligaments, and bones. If you develop a serious injury to your neck, you will need to experience a lot of pain. The condition can be pretty distressing.
The most common neck injury truck accident victims develop is whiplash. Individuals experiencing whiplash can have the following:
- Painful shoulders, arms, and upper back
- Limited neck motion
- Numbness in certain body parts
Wrist Injuries
When a crash occurs, most passengers and drivers try to protect themselves using their arms and hands. This is usually an instinctive response and never succeeds in offering the required protection. Instead, the attempt leads to hand, arm, and wrist injuries.
You might end up breaking your wrist bone if your wrist hits the window, airbag, steering wheel, or dashboard. You may also have torn ligaments, which take weeks to heal.
Head Injuries
Truck accidents often cause TBIs or traumatic brain injuries. TBIs take place when the victim’s brain gets jolted or his or her head strikes a hard object. These injuries can lead to personality, emotional, and cognitive changes. If the injuries are serious, the victim can become paralyzed or even die.
Crush Injuries
As commercial trucks are extremely heavy, accidents involving these vehicles often make the victims experience high pressure. This makes crush injuries common among truck accident victims. The situation turns even worse if the victim was traveling at a higher speed. Crush injuries may result in compressed nerves, fractures, and damaged organs.
Final Words
The intensity of your injuries would decide the amount of compensation you deserve. A competent attorney will make sure that you get the maximum possible amount in your bank account.