Taking a shower has become an unexciting activity that everyone does. People now spend five minutes showering, when before people took hours to complete a full-blown shower. With the hustle and bustle of our hectic life, people have put this activity as a low priority. People now tend to forget the right way of taking a shower, to the extent of even forgetting to take a shower. We are stopping ourselves from getting the health benefits that our body deserves. As a reminder, listed here are the ways you can take a shower the right way to fully indulge in the benefits it gives.
Keep your water warm or cold
Exposing yourself to hot water for too long, especially during the winter season, strips your skin of natural oils that you need to trap water. These oils and lipids keep your skin moist, preventing the scaling of your skin that makes it fragile. Cold and warm water, when used in showers, have been proven by scientists to be optimal as it increases alertness, blood circulation, and effectiveness of the immune system.
Condition your ends
Most of us only condition our scalp with the use of our fingers and nails. It needs moisture. However, scientists advise that we should condition not only our skin but also the entire length of our hair – from its roots to its tips. This habit will help you prevent the formation and spread of dandruff or flaky skin on your scalp.
Scrub your body gently
Aggressive scrubbing using loofahs, washcloths, and pumice stones in some countries, can be very harmful to your skin. The materials that you use for cleansing are already rough enough, so adding to that roughness using force can damage your skin. It can also remove your skin’s natural protective barrier – its oils and lipids. Do not scrub regularly to keep your skin moist, as scrubbing dries out the skin.
Filter your water
In some areas of the world, the pipelines that carry water to our houses are still unsafe. Some water can carry harmful chemicals that can worsen your skin sensitivity. You have to put effort into keeping your water safe by installing a filter system in your bathroom. Thankfully, some shower pods that people use have filter systems. You can even have the shower pod installed by the supplier.
Use a moisturizing soap
Soaps that do not have a moisturizing agent, such as antibacterial soaps, can ultimately dry out your skin as most have chemicals. Try to use soaps that have stearic acid as this acid helps in balancing out the moisture of your skin. It assists in promoting the function of the lipids and the oils that your skin contains.
People neglect the importance of taking a shower and also forget to do it the right way. To prevent this from happening, follow these tips on taking a shower correctly.
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/bath-wet-water-sensual-woman-465577/