Getting into university is not always going to be easy. This is why so many people turn to clearing in order to get a spot in one of the universities that they are interested in. If you want the clearing process to go as smoothly as you can, then it will be beneficial to start preparing now.
This will allow you to have a plan in place so that you can take advantage of university clearing 2019 course openings as soon as they pop up. Look at the advice below in order to get an idea for what you need to do to get yourself ready. This information should help you to have the best chance of getting into the university that you want to attend.
Gathering the Necessary Information
Even simply gathering the necessary information is going to make a big difference. If you take the time to compile all of the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses that you will need, then you can save yourself some time. Being able to take advantage of clearing is often a very time-sensitive situation. If you can make it faster to contact the university admissions team instead of fumbling around looking for numbers, then you will be ahead of the game.
You also need to gather the right personal information and forms of identification in order to apply during clearing. This means that you will need to have your UCAS clearing number as well as your UCAS personal ID. Do your best to make sure that you have everything gathered ahead of time. This will ensure that you don’t miss out on a good opportunity due to not being fully ready as quickly as some of the other prospective students.
Be Ready to Answer Questions
It is also really smart to be prepared to answer certain questions. You are interested in getting into certain universities for various reasons. You need to be able to articulate those reasons to the admissions team of the universities. Your answers will go a long way toward helping you stand out from the pack.
Preparing Your Own Questions Ahead of Time Helps Too
It actually helps to prepare your own questions ahead of time too. You want to show the universities that you are engaged in the process and that you want to be there. Having a list of questions that you want to ask the universities shows just how interested you are. It helps to showcase how dedicated you are to getting your education and it is another way to positively impact your chances.
Choose Alternative Courses and Universities Too
You might not be able to get into the first university that you choose. It might not be easy to get into the specific course that you want to take either. This is why you should choose alternative courses and universities. You might need to slightly change your degree subject in order to get into a good university through clearing. Try to be open to making changes and you will have a much easier time.