It’s unfortunate to see your employees fighting among each other. Their differences could impact the quality of work and overall productivity. Although you can’t prevent all these fights, there are ways to limit the issues. You can also strengthen the bond of the people working for the team.
Talk to your employees
Amid your busy schedule, you need to ensure that you spend time talking to your employees in private. You want to know how they’re doing and if they have issues at work. It might be due to the nature of the tasks assigned to them. It could also be due to the issues with other employees. You need to know what’s going on so you can prevent things from escalating. You don’t necessarily have to mediate, but you can find a way to stop these issues from affecting work.
Conduct a regular team-building activity
You need to consider having a team-building activity for your employees. It’s an opportunity for them to know each other outside the workplace. It also allows them to realize the value of working together closely. During these activities, their true personalities come out, and it will enable everyone to feel more comfortable with each other. It can also help dispel any incorrect impressions about colleagues.
Hire an office counsellor
You need someone that your employees can talk to if there are issues at work. You can’t allow people to keep their problems to themselves. If they have rants, complaints, anger, and other negative emotions, an office counsellor could help. If there are escalating fights, the counsellor could also help mediate and prevent these problems from getting worse.
Encourage professionalism
It’s inevitable for people to have conflicts for whatever reason. Regardless of how each employee feels about the other, it’s essential to stay focused on the job. It’s not a good idea to allow these differences to impact work in any way. Employees can have issues with each other’s personalities, but they need to brush it off at work. It could even be an intimate relationship among employees that they have to set aside so that the quality of work remains the same.
Reshuffle the employees
If there are people at work who have to work together continually, but are at each other’s throats all the time, you need to reshuffle them. You can move one of them to a different department where their skill set could still be useful. You can’t mediate once and hope that things will change if there’s deep animosity between them. You might even have to let go of some employees in worst-case scenarios.
Have fun activities
You need to host a fun activity for the employees. Sometimes, conflicts are not a product of hatred but tension. There’s too much stress at work and an enjoyable activity like a funfair would be helpful for everyone. You can partner with a quality supplier like if you want to make this plan a reality.